BC1-1808 Homework, Zsolt Cseh


Homework Submission Week 1

Hereby opening my personal BC1-1808 room, welcome everyone who click into it :-)

Actually I built this scene with still 2.79 because often having time constraint, so left 2.8 for the developers yet, but already being interested very much in general.

My intend was to composite something, which builds somehow itself, adding things here or there till a kind of balance formed on the picture, hopefully you feel the fresh air there, even the locomotive breathing pink steam :-)

Homework Submission Week 2

Homework Submission Week 3

Homework Submission Week 4

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    csehz great work zsolt! Your melvin is very smooth 😊 His raised fist looks a bit flat so maybe a bit more with the inflate brush? Also spot a little bump above his straight leg so maybe a bit more smoothing there? It's really good though looks very much like the concept art! 😬

    The Primitives are nice too, especially the cube. The sphere looks a bit squarish still. The cone is very sharp! Good sculpting 😄👍🏻

  • silentheart00 replied

    csehz Hey, not bad!  For Melvin, I suggest to take a look at all angles, not just the beauty shot.  The beauty shot looks pretty good, but as soon as you orbit around, there are a lot of areas that could be improved.  Melvin's blocky in some places, the bent leg looks longer than the unbent one, the fist in the air is also a bit flat in the finger area.  Sculpting with a mouse must be challenging.

    Your primitives are pretty good.  The sphere is still blocky and longer in the x-axis than the y- or z-axis.  Overall, good work, but I think you can push yourself more.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    csehz Fourth time sculpting Melvin?! Sheesh..I need to give you a unique assignment 😅 I'm glad you say  you're still learning from it. When we update our fundamental courses for 2.8 I'll try to keep that video as similar as possible.

    Both your primitives and your Melvin are very well done, Zsolt. An easy A in my book. 👍

  • Jere Haapaharju(swikni) replied

    Looking good Zsolt. Have to say that the cube looks pretty tight.

  • Matthew Ullrey(ullreym) replied

    Great use of the polish brush. Melvin looks so smooth. He has quite a beautiful sheen to his skin for a sheep eating monster.

  • Zsolt Cseh(csehz) replied

    Thanks guys for the constructive perceptions again, sorry for the late answer but my time to Blender is so much limited in the night hours that need to decide, modeling or checking the forum (the latter is also a pleasure of course!).

    Kent I know that Wednesday is not Sunday regarding the deadline :D, but let me add my heroic advanture with the mouse yet, being not too proud to the result and will drop it out soon to restart a new one

    Also planning that to my birthday would like to ask a drawing tablet :D Basically I am left-handed and not only using mouse but doing the sculpting with right hand actually, which is so a double handicap. While with a drawing tablet on the left side on the computer and in the better hand, with the mouse staying on the right side, it could be maybe a double advantage suddenly :D

  • silentheart00 replied

    csehz This bust looks better.  The proportions are still a little wonky, but better, I think.  Take a look at your own face.  Where do your eyes fall on your face?  About how far apart are your eyes?  Where are your ears in relation to your facial features?  Where does your nose fall in relation to your jawbone?  Where to the corner of your lips fall in relation to your eyes?  Where do your nose nostrils fall in relation to other features?  I suggest picking up some books about anatomy and proportions.  I suggest this book for proportions and this one for anatomy.  For anatomy, I wouldn't worry too much about memorizing the medical names, just study the shapes.  Keep pushing a little every day.  Consistent work is better than spurts of work.  You got this.

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    csehz Very brave to attempt this with a mouse, with the wrong hand no less. Not a bad try! I think silentheart gave so good feedback, so I gotnothing to add to that. You keep trying, you're doing great work! 😊

  • Zsolt Cseh(csehz) replied

    WIP Week 4

    Guys could you please turn around this model on Sketchfab link https://skfb.ly/6BnTx and point out its biggest issues where it needs improvements? 

    I would like to take the good occassion of the Class to use your more experienced eyes as reference (the lens settings is 60 anyway for this view)

  • silentheart00 replied

    csehz Now you're thinking with proportions!  Good work!  The sketchfab model looks a little lumpy in places.  Try turning down the strength on the smooth brush to help buffer those lumps out.  Maybe the tummy is a little large; it looks like it's the monkey is 2 heads tall total, so the tummy would be roughly 2/3 of a head and the feet are the last 1/3.  If you could flatten out the bottom of the feet more, I think that would help to take some height off.

    After checking rough proportions again, it looks like it's about right.  Maybe the 3D view is skewing things a little.  I still think flattening the bottom of the feet will help.  Maybe the belly is too wide?  It looks like the widest point in your reference meets with the cheeks.  Ears look good, the face looks pretty good, too.  Maybe the lower section of the top lip could be pulled out more?  Similar thought with the bottom lip.  Hands look good.  I like the creases separating the different sections; it looks really nice.  Great improvement!

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    csehz Another (very minor) thing to point out is there's a bit of clipping and all around funky verts between its legs. Nothing major mind you, but just thought I'd point it out.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    csehz The biggest thing I'm stuck on is the face. The toy's face is super cute whereas the sculpt is lacking such cuteness. For one, the mouth looks more etched on the face rather than truly indented / formed into the face. The eyes feel...well..like nipples. I'd make them simply round ovals (no dimple in the middle).

  • Zsolt Cseh(csehz) replied

    Homework Submission Week 4

    Ajjaj it is "Deadline Sunday", when my vertex counts went up uncontrolled, the computer counting for half minutes at each saving, which okay gives at least time to see others homework, but what to do now when so lot of things should be corrected or at least addressed yet?

    In the meantime knowing that tomorrow is work, have to do some (real) cloth ironing, it can be the side effect of Blender thinking that it will be enough to iron the left side of the shirt as anyway the other one will be symmetrized for free :D

    But so okay the result, before of anything silentheart00  Silent would like to thank you that you checked the WIP version so thoroughly and adviced in so details, Kent also for you mentioning that an ellipse would be much better for the eyes.

    Tried to touch everything which was mentioned in your advices and possibly not crash everything, the banana in the left hand is rather symbolic as did not want to change the neutralized position of the model with modifying the fingers there to keep it.

    23:55 here and also the Sketchfab went up to link https://skfb.ly/6B7t8 with a 70% decimated version, anyway I think this guy is simple more fat than the reference and from that satisfied state naming him "Buddha Monkey" from now :-)

  • silentheart00 replied

    csehz I'm glad I could help!  Nice model.  I like the eyes better on this version.

  • Pavel Mazanik(nekronavt) replied

    csehz well defined shape as I can judge. Good solid sculpt. Good job :)

  • Matthew Ullrey(ullreym) replied

    csehz The changes you made are a nice improvement. I like the addition of the banana. 

    I am also left handed, but use the mouse right handedly. I find that I sometimes have both the stylus and mouse fighting for control of the cursor. I set up my express keys on the right side of the pen tablet as well. It isn't a bad workflow and often it can be an advantage while doing research. As you take notes with one hand, you are able to  navigate the computer with the other.

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    csehz Much improved, I like it! I hope after class you go and decide to texture it, really bring it to life!

  • Mahir Tasin(mahir07) replied

    csehz Nice sculpting. And yeah it will look cool with texture 

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    csehz Such a cute monkey, well done zsolt!!

  • Kent Trammell replied

    csehz Solid update, Zsolt! Kudos for receiving and applying the crits. He's got much more of the cute factor that the previous version was lacking. A+ this week, good sir 👏