Should I Buy this Course?

Does the Hard-Surface Modeling course by Gleb Alexandrov and Aidy Burrows teach anything that I can't learn from CG Cookie?  Can I learn it faster with the course?  Would you recommend it?

  • Kaj Suominen(louhikarme) replied

    i bought it and can recommend it. Definetly good for anyone who wants to get into hard surface modeling either beginner or intermediate. 

  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez) replied

    Seems to be a pretty popular course, I myself am slowly going through it but also using CGC content as well. I can't say if you're learn faster as everyone learned differently. You'll definitely learn some new tips and tricks you may not otherwise and Gleb and Aidy are great instructors as well. Nonetheless it's not an issue of "this or that",  but something I would include in your training library alongside other courses you're interested in. 

  • Fenes Octavian(cyberdemon1542) replied


    I am seriously considering it too BUT from what I know it only uses vanilla Blender and skips over essential Hard Ops addons. Is it still worth getting if I plan to include them in my workflow?

  • Kaj Suominen(louhikarme) replied


    it is solid fundamendals to any hard surface modeling. Gleb actually recommends getting hardops in the course. even though i've been using hardops quite some time, there was lots of things that i picked up and different approach than i have done.

    also knowing how to do things without hardops and knowing what happens with the modfiers just helps to troubleshoot problems when hardops isn't behaving itself.

  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez) replied

    ccyberdemon1542 I think that's a good thing actually. Learning the fundamentals of properly creating hard surface objects should be the first step beyond using tools or addons that do this for you. If you strictly want to learn Hard Ops or something of that sort then find a course/tutorials that teach that specifically.