Hey all!
Okay, this is probably gonna be a massively dumb question but I have absolutely no idea about anything when it comes to texturing or the like.
Okay, so I have a wall and want to put a blood splatter on it, unfortunately I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. So, the wall has a brick materials on it and is UV unwrapped and all that like:
So I initially thought that trying to put the blood splatter texture on via the node editor was a good idea until I realized I haven't the faintest clue as to how to do that. If you have an idea how to do so here's what my node setup looks like:
The mapping node is because the bricks was initially massive so this was an easy way to fix it (as there are two walls with this material so it's more universal).
The alternative, at least I thought, was Texture Painting. The problem? I have even less knowledge of that then the node editor. So I made the blood splatter a viable texture and applied it using the TextDraw brush. It looks like this:
Aside from the gargantuan bricks that doesn't seem so bad, but when I try to render it it is nowehere to be found. So basically what I'm asking is would it be better to try and apply it using nodes or texture paint and how would I go about them? Thanks to any and all in advance!
I would make two separate textures: a brick texture and a blood texture. Make everything in the blood texture except for the blood itself transparent, then use the alpha output of the image texture as the factor for a mixRGB node that mixes the two textures together. I hope that helps.
williamatics Aha! You're a lifesaver, however I've run into another issue if you'd be willing to help me once more, sorry again for these silly questions.
So after applying what you said the texture now appears, hurrah! The problem is that it's duplicated all over the mesh like so:
I messed with the mapping node, changing it to things such as vector which only gives me one splatter but for some odd reason that doesn't allow me to adjust the size. Here'my my node setup:
How would you go about changing this to have it so I only get one splatter that I can move into the place I want it? Cheers again!
thecabbagedetective I'm not sure about that one; I think it has something to do with the size of the image, or maybe the texture mapping. By the way, this isn't a silly question, nor is the first one.
thecabbagedetective Try check marking the minimum and the maximum check boxes in the mapping node of the blood splatter. That helped for me when putting the CGCookie logo on the plane in the exercise I submitted to the gallery this week. (https://cgcookie.com/u/carrotnl/projects/cgcookie-plane).
I hope that helps
thecabbagedetective What's happening in your repeating blood spatter thing, is that the size in the mapping node is smaller than 1, so the texture scales down and repeats. Here's how I would approach it:
1. Texture paint a blood spatter (so you have the most control) and don't worry about the color. This will be your mask that defines which places will have blood and which don't, so just make it black and white.
2. Make a simple blood shader and mix it with your bricks using the mask you painted as the mix factor.
3. Make sure you have some real displacement and/or plug in the normal map of the bricks into your blood shader, so the areas that have blood won't be completely flat.
baukepost Trying out all of these suggestions so thanks everyone! Though I have a couple questions for you Bauke:
You say to paint a mask in texture paint mode and use it as the mix factor between the blood and the brick, what node(s) would I go about to do this? I'd assume something related to alphas but I'm not knowledgeable on that.
When you say to make a simple blood shader, do you mean to simply use a ColourRamp node to get the light and dark reds? If so, and being suggested to make the texture paint simply white, does that make my blood image texture useless? Or should I make that white in Krita or something and then stencil it on to where I want?
Thanks to you all again!
it is set to repeat by default...
set it to clip and it should be a single instance of the splatter image...
me1958424 I've been using Blender for half a year now and I never knew this, what is life...?
In all seriousness thanks to everyone who posted! I ended up tinkering with the node editor some more, finally realizing that "clip" exists on the image texture node and went from there. It was still a little funky but I got a result I was happy with.
So thanks williamatics for first pointing me in the right direction and reassuring my questions, thanks ccarrotnl for bringing the min/max to my attention and showing your cool model, thanks
baukepost for giving me quite a bit of insight into texture painting, I'll be sure to experiment with that more, and thanks
me1958424 for showing me a vital button "hidden" in plain sight which changed my project around, appreciate you all!
EDIT: Wow, the @ button is screwed.