Coloring tutorials?


So I recently (Two ish weeks now) have started dabling in 3D modeling (No prior art experience at all, No drawing etc) and come from an all coding back ground.

I've been slowly hitting the learning flow tutorials when I can, but I'm stuck simply on the Axe Texturing exercise.

I simply cannot for the life of me get the axe to look at LEAST somewhat okay.

It always turns out looking like a 3 year old just started scribbling random colors into the blanks.

Does anyone know of any good tutorials on actually doing the art, not the UVMapping, but the drawing on 3D textures.

I'd simply just move on, but I want a at least somewhat presentable model.

And in the long run, I'd love to be able to create blizzard/overwatch style artwork. And this seems pretty close to a good start.