Krita Tutorials

Could you please make some concept art content that uses Krita instead of Photoshop?  At the very least, you could make the source files compatible with Krita, or make a tutorial about the differences between Photoshop and Krita.

  • Catherine Irkalla(catherineirkalla) replied

    I tend to agree that it would be nice to have tutorials about Krita. I would expect that it can open PSD's but not photoshop brushes right? Most of the concept tutorials I've seen are somewhat software agnostic once you have a handle on the software (I've done all my concept exercises in Clip Studio Paint instead of Photoshop but I was already familiar with it and it opens PSD's fine (though not Photoshop brushes)).

  • Erik Meyers(valevorena) replied

    I do not utilize photoshop at all, but most of those .psd files are simply an image if I recall and have no layers at all? If so, then several of those could be made to simply a standard image format. Not sure about brushes, but those are primarily only a sort of grayscale with alpha as a texture in which case you could try to manually add those raw images to whatever you are using. Though I am not sure how extensible that concept is to many different software platforms.

  • Catherine Irkalla(catherineirkalla) replied
    All of the Concept exercises I've used do have layers, but Krita (I do believe) handles basic Photoshop files just fine so I doubt that part is an issue. The brushes, though, if you don't have Photoshop there is no way to save the raw .png of the brush to be able to manually import them. I've tried several solutions to this myself and without doing it from Photoshop nothing actually works out. Now, for the most part, you don't need the brushes they provide here. I mean yes they are nice but the only one that I've noticed that you can't find something similar for is the perspective ruler brush though if someone will export the raw .png for that one I'll happily make Krita and CSP brushes for it.
  • Brian Craig(bcraig) replied

    Yes that would be nice I cannot afford PS anymore 

  • Thibaut Bourbon(tbrbn) replied

    I strongly recommend Krita's documentation, very complete and it covers most of the important topics.

  • Jake Korosi(jakeblended) replied

    tbrbn It's not so much an explanation of this or that feature I'd like to see in a Krita tutorial; more of one that demonstrates like a workflow of a typical project with it.  

    FWIW, I *have* been able to work out on my own how to make this or that feature work in Krita; but having to figure out those things on top of practicing the art techniques makes some of the concept art courses take a bit more time than they otherwise would.