Hi there,
long time ago I watched the 2010 training series for character modelling, which introduced Kara http://www.anekatutorial.com/images/uploads//blen.jpg
This course provided a whole bunch of very usefull tipps I would like to review. Unfortunatly I can't find any vid of this course, Does somebody know any source to get this particular tutorial?
Thanks for your help.
sshisou You're super awesome! Thanks!! I don't have super fast speeds unfortunately, and I will be out some this morning, but I should be able to get it by end of day today (13 or 14 hours from now).
pprocyonlotor Here you go. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ugeHYD8CA1ET9lYMQtMnjlJjPKT852ZW
Now if anybody else is downloading it, do let me know because I'll be deleting it again.
sshisou I got it all. Thanks a bundle for opening it back up! And thanks @jonathanwilliamson for sharing!
pprocyonlotor Enjoy. Now if no one else is currently downloading it, I'll be removing it again.
sshisou I'll grab it while its up, older version but I love it.