How can I make this kind of shape?

Hello guys! I was looking for some references on google and I came across this image:

And I was wondering, could you guys give me some tips on how to do that curvature of the blade? The "depth", like this: 


  • Dolores 74 (dolores74) replied

    Here’s my belt thing.  Maybe you can do some reverse engineering.

  • Panus Boonyok(zenogias) replied

    I did say you should try to Bevel a simple cube with their four vertical edges about three levels and see how it works.

    It's also apply the same theory to those edges.

  • Eduardo Abreu(eduo) replied

    Hey, that's actualy really similar, could you give me some tips on achieving that?

  • Eduardo Abreu(eduo) replied
    I downloaded the file, but still, how did you achieve that shape? I couldn't figure it out :(
  • Don Newman(gothicbunny) replied

    I'd suggest going through the Mesh Modeling Bootcamp. Particularly modeling the CGC logo and the revolver. There are some similar shape transitions in those.

  • Dolores 74 (dolores74) replied

    Here's your dagger big brother.

    You have to use a 'Background Image' it is in the 'n' panel. And keep fiddeling with the vertices until you have the shape.

    Open the new file I have posted and press ‘1’ on the numpad. Press ‘z’ to go to wireframe mode.

    You can’t learn this by asking questions on a forum, you have to watch tutorials.

  • Eduardo Abreu(eduo) replied

    Thanks Don, i'm actually going through them right now!

  • Eduardo Abreu(eduo) replied

    Hey, thanks for taking the time to make the sword, i just wanted some tips!