First Project idea

Ok. So my son wants to create a Spideman mask for his first project. I have attached an image of it. Can anyone give us some suggestions on how we should go about starting this? Is this something we would do in Mesh or Sculpting? I would assume Mesh. Is there a video out there that can sorta walk us through on making our first mask?

Thank you all very much.

  • silentheart00 replied

    Ambitious.  You will definitely need to use the mirror modifier so you can essentially cut your work in half.  For the holes, maybe this video will help.  For repeating the holes, there's got to be a modifier for that, too, so you won't have to go in and individually model those.  I'll poke around and see what I can find.  Anyone else have suggestions?

  • silentheart00 replied

    After poking around a little, here's what I suggest:

    1.  You can sculpt it.  Take a plane, cut it in half and use the mirror modifier, get the rough shape, then flip on sculpting mode and sculpt without the holes for right now.  Once you're done with that, use a combo of array modifiers and boolean modifiers to cut in the holes.  Then you can either use a solidify modifier or select the whole mesh and extrude out a little.  I would separate out the eye pieces from the rest of the mask and snap them in after printing.  Then go back into sculpt mode and clean anything up.

    2.  You can mesh model it with similar steps above, but instead of sculpting, you're mesh modeling.

    If anyone else has other suggestions, feel free to add them!

  • John Cockerill(ooc) replied

    Thank you very much.. I will try this.

  • silentheart00 replied

    No problem.  I hope it made sense and it works for you.

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    You could also give the Wireframe modifier a try, that might be an easier way to make the holes:

  • John Cockerill(ooc) replied

    Ok the trouble I’m runnning into right now. Is for the actual frame of the mask.... I was trying to use a plane and I also tried a cylinder to start it off... not finding my way.  Maybe should I try a box? Any suggestions?

  • silentheart00 replied

    Did you add in some edge loops into the plane to help get the general shape?  What's your process?  Have you taken a look at the Digital Sculpting course yet?

  • silentheart00 replied

    Oo, I haven't heard of that yet.  That looks significantly easier lol.

  • John Cockerill(ooc) replied

    I basically took a Cynilinder and collapsed it and then went to a side view and started extruding out pieces. But I’m not having much success. I haven’t tried sculpting.  I can try it that way of you think sculpting would be a better choice.

  • John Cockerill(ooc) replied

    Thank you Jonathan for the holes idea. I will use that.

  • silentheart00 replied

    That's a different way of doing it.  Go ahead and give sculpting a try.  I can provide some pictures of what I was thinking if that would help you.

  • John Cockerill(ooc) replied

    Please do. I would love to see some pics.


  • techworker1 replied

    You can also make pretty nice mesh textures without modeling any holes. Alpha map + optional normal map. EDIT: This is a visual trick only, not for 3D printing (I didn't pick up on that.)

  • John Cockerill(ooc) replied

    That looks awesome :)

     Did you make that Kevin?

  • silentheart00 replied

    I'm guessing this is for a 3D print, but I have no experience with that, so I don't know if what you're suggesting will translate.

  • silentheart00 replied

    Sure.  Give me a bit to get my PC set back up (had some minor water leakage right under my desk area.  That's not dangerous or anything.) and I'll post my process.

  • John Cockerill(ooc) replied

    Ok here is what I have so far. This is the front. I don't know if i did any of this correct. I took a cube and squished it in to get my width.Now the part I have to figure out is how to do the side view and shape the mask. Also is there a way to add a Vertex to a face?

    Here is the side view I have to do.

  • techworker1 replied

    This is a very challenging project, but interesting. Still above my modeling skills.

    I started with a cube and applied Subsurf. Then cut away excess parts and stretched to get a basic helmet shape. (This isn't a great example - I'm still in the middle of Mesh Modeling Bootcamp .) 

  • John Cockerill(ooc) replied

    That is awesome Techworker1. Great job. I only made it through my front view. I thought about it last night and I think i know how to do the side view. Mine is still very blocky.

  • silentheart00 replied

    Okay, hold on, though.  I know you're excited to do something, but take a step back and breathe for a second.  Your reference images are crooked.  This can skew the final product since it'll mess up how to mirror modifier works, which is along an axes (probably can change that, but it's easiest along the axes), which means you'll get overlapping geometry.  You go to fix the overlapping geometry, but then you'll warp the geometry around the forehead, which is not what you want to do.  Straighten out the image as best as you can, since you're relying on it as a reference.  This will help save so many headaches later down the line.  Start on the best possible foot now to not have to spend time to save it later.  And it's okay to delete everything and start completely new.  It'll give you something fresh and now you'll know how to avoid those mistakes you just made.  There will be a lot of that in the beginning until you figure out modeling and good topology and such, but those will become farther and fewer in between the more you do this.

    Are you working through the modeling flows in tandem, as well?  Lots of useful stuff in there.