Questions on the "Make your own 2D Space Shooter" tutorial.

Hi guys,  

I'm just starting out with Unity...And my first project is the "Make your own 2D Space Shooter" 

I am watching the second video in this course (the one about slicing a "Sprite sheet")  A I thought I'd take a crack at it.

I see that the Sprite sheet I am provided with has two obstacles: 

 1.  While the sprite sheet in the video has only a handful of object...I seem to have ALL  the space ships and objects (is a separate, simpler one available)  

2. In the video, the Sprite sheet contains an exploded space-ship. But the fragments are NEXT to the spaceship, (and so they can be easily selected along with the body)  In my Sprite Sheet, All the separate fragments of the spaceship in mine have been REMOVED from the body of the spaceship, and they on the side of the sheet.

I'm also noticing that the inspector of the video gives you the option under format to chose "compressed" or "Trucolour" 

For me, however, the panel gives me multiple options for compressed (usually preceeded by RDBA ) But no such option for Truecolour. 

I'm I using the wrong program here? Is there a better sprite sheet with the exploded fragments NEXT to the body of the spaceship?

I also seem to have a very different UNITY version than the one in the video. 

I believe I am using the latest version of Unity ....2017.1.1f1 personal... and I have a Macbook OX Y Yosemite. So I wonder if these might be factors. 

Here's the video version: 

Here's my Sprite sheet. (With all the pieces far away) 

  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez) replied

    I'll have to take a look at the files, that course was created by a third party author a while back so some of the editor settings might have changed. I did use those same project files to create the 2D Space Shooter Mobile project. 

  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez) replied

    Ok so I looked at the files, I didn't find the sprite sheet you have up above, is that in a specific project file scene? I looked at the starting scene and the final scene and the same sprite sheet used in the videos is available in the project files but nothing else. 

    Regarding the Truecolor compression, that was actually changed. In Unity 2017 in order to use something similar you'd just set the compression to "none" for that sprite sheet. 

  • gauntlit replied

    Hi Jonathan.  I figured I might as well show you what I've done.  First I clicked on the top-link (the Art/SFX-CCO one...)

    Then I clicked on the clickable File

    This was the result... basically the very large sprite sheet with all the pieces disassembled. 


    I've taken this opportunity to try and figure out how to make my own indiviual sprites...So I put the sprite-sheet into GIMP ...and then I erased everything except for the space-ships/saucer and rocks in your video and exported them as individual sprites. 

    Which...Turns out, Was completely unnecessary as the individual sprites were already available  ha ha.