Need help with Blender animation!

Hello everyone,

I made this jumping monkey animation but I want to complete it by making the character spin in the air.

I tried it adding Plain Axes and "setting parent to" the object (the character in this case) but I couldn't because the Rigfy was set before -according to the warning:

What am I doing wrong? Does it exist any ther method?

Thank you in advance!

  • Matthew Fricker(frikkr) replied

    If you want to spin the whole character, you can use the "root" bone to do this which you can see is already keyed in the action editor. 

    I think the reason your plain axis is not working is because the character is already parented to the rig. But again, the root bone is used to move the whole character so just use that to animate with :) 

  • pieriko replied

    You should use root bone or torso root bone to achieve it.

    You may encounter some troubles of flipping in certain degree of rotation if your rotation is set to Quaternion. Don't worry about it, you can then correct it working on the animation curves in the graph editor.

    check out the animation bootcamp on CGcookie, a must seen for animators.