What is the "best" path that I should take for modelling !

Hi guys,

I'm new on CGCookie.com, and with Blender, I started this morning with the "Introduction to Blender" flow, and to be more precise, the "Mesh modelling fundamentals" lesson.
My first goal with Blender is simple to start modelling stuff, and after learn "how to render / texture / light / ..."

So I would like to jump in modelling a soon as possible but I learned this morning the basis of Blender, and I wanted to dig in "Full modelling" flow but it looks like the difficulty is set to 2 or 3.
I'm afraid to be overwhelmed by the difficulty.

So I would like to know what you are recommended as the "best" path to learn modelling.

Thanks for your answer,


  • Jose Miguel Hernandez(jmiguelhdezgmailcom) replied

    i would start with the flows, introduction and later modeling. There are subject in there that might be less interesting to you at the moment, perhaps texturing for example, so you can just watch the video lightly instead of following along and make a note of it. 

    Once you are aware of the subjects you can go back and re-watch and  study in detail. it is more difficult to be organized about the paths when you don´t know what you don´t know... if that make sense. 

    also you can always watch and advanced video if it interest you, if you don´t understand then you at least know what parts you don´t understand and it will click when you watch the basic stuff.

    something like that always happen to me when watching the streams, they are almost always more advanced than my current level. 


  • John Crawford(vaculik) replied

    Don't worry about the difficulty ratings. The modeling flow is 100% the next step after the introduction flow.