Camera is moving too far.

I shrunk the scale of the camera down to 0.15 but it is still moving like it has a scale of 1 when I look through my Oculus. If I lean forward or backward I can travel a long distance that is very unrealistic. Does anyone know how to make the camera move proportionately to it's size? Thanks you!

  • Mark Smith(me1958424) replied

    the size that you speak of I believe is just the size of the camera in the viewport (how big or small)...

    the thing that will govern the camera's action in the viewport is 

    the focal length (1) and the clipping plane  (2)...


    I hope this helps...


  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez) replied

    I believe they're referring to the camera in Unity. It's a bit difficult to determine what the issue could be. Only thing I can think of is that the camera is using the pivot of the oculus objects so when you rotate (looking down or up) the camera moves a lot more since it's rotating along the pivot. I believe Oculus has a camera prefab, I know for the Vive they have one and it doesn't move the camera at all other than rotating to match the headset. 

  • Mark Smith(me1958424) replied

    sorry, I'll try to pay better attention to that...


  • Bartosz Piłat(krajca) replied

    I think you should reverse and instead of scaling down camera you should scale up everything else.

    I assume is a thing with tracking and how it's translate to unity.