Stream OVER! Oil Painting Demo

Twitch Stream: Oil Painting Demo

Wednesday @ 2PM CST (-6GMT)


The stream begins at 2PM CST (-6GMT)

Artist: Tim Von Rueden (vonn)

Moderator: Gawki

Time Converter for the stream - Time Conversion Button


Today we are going to experiment and do some traditional painting with OILS! This medium is tricky to say the least so I'm going to give my thoughts during the process and what I've learned so far when working with this medium!

If you are interested in this traditional medium, then this stream is for you!

And remember, CG Cookie has a Concept Art Livestream EVERY Wednesday at 2PM Central Time(-6GMT)! We do these each week to educate as well as have some fun with the community!


AFTER STREAM UPDATE will be posted on MONDAY after the stream is over and up on youtube!

  • silentheart00 replied

    Aww, man, I just discovered this.  Wish I'd known about it sooner.  Oh well, I'll put it on my watchlist Monday.