The concept critiques will be done by Tim Von Rueden (vonnart) to help push your critical eye and see what can be improved upon. They will be 20 minutes each during an hour long stream. So submit your images below and I
NOTE: While all Citizen members have access to watch these live critique sessions, only Citizen Pro Submissions are eligible for critique. And you must be an active PRO member during the time of the stream too ;)
I'll bite. Need to practice being critiqued anyway. Here's my submission:
I'd like to know how well I understand anatomy in the face. I know it's incomplete, and that's because I've switched gears to focus on the KAY-9 contest. Regardless, I'd like to know if I'm headed in the right direction and how I can tighten up on any mistakes I've made.
Thanks for having these critiques!
Here were the two images worked on today during the stream! Thanks again for coming you guys and always look at your work with a critical eye!