Excercise grading issues

Ive been making a point to try and grade a lot of excercises recently, but I have noticed something that bothers me - There have been quite a lot of errors on sketchfab models so that we cannot see them to grade them. Whilst this is an issue in itself, I wanted to bring up something else - @jlampel was kind enough to fix some of the problematic submissions, but despite them being perfectly deserving of a pass, they failed when I voted. I can only assume that some graders are autmatically failing them because the links are broken, which to me seems wrong because as soon as they fix the links , their submissions have fail votes against them before we even get to see them. 

I may be wrong here but several of them failed once Jonathan fixed the link and I voted and they were good enough for a pass. Its the only explanation I can think of and if it is happening then I maybe it should be adressed. 

  • Mark Smith(me1958424) replied

    this is indeed something to be considered...

    for my part there are several of the exercises that should get a no vote on not being able to see them...

    exercise using modifiers, rule number 3 says that it should be published on sketchfab...

    I take this to mean that publishing it to sketchfab is part of the exercise...

    there are however several exercises that need to use sketchfab but it is not in the rules

    these do not receive a no vote from me, but rather a comment noting the issue...

    fwiw just my take on it...

  • Matthew Fricker(frikkr) replied

    Ahh, ok , I see . You have a point if it is in the rules. Maybe there needs to be clearer instructions on how to successfully upload so we can prevent the issue happening, I've also noticed a few failed youtube uploads due to the video being set to private. I believe I got caught out by that one myself when I published my first submission for the animation bootcamp a while back..... 

    Thanks for your input Mark :) 

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Thanks for the feedback frikkr , this is definitely something we will be addressing! I find it quite tedious as well. I can't say for sure yet, but the idea is that you should be able to upload the models directly from the exercise page without ever having to go to Sketchfab.

  • Matthew Fricker(frikkr) replied

    Thanks Jonathan . So just to be clear , should we fail those exercises that have not been uploaded to sketchfab IF it is in the rules that they should, or do we just ignore them in the hope that the submitter realises their error and fixes it? 

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Feel free to just ignore them for now, thanks!