Viewing feathers while in particle edit mode? (Piero course)


Maybe Blender just isn't set up for this, but I was wondering if there's a way to see the meshes that particles are associated with while combing the particles?

That way, when I am combing feathers, instead of seeing the below "fur" strands...

I could see the actual feathers:

Any options that would allow this? Thanks!

  • Matthew Fricker(frikkr) replied

    Hmm, I never personlally came across any way to do that. I always just tabbed in and out of edit mode to keep seeing the result. There may be a way though , but im afraid I cant help :( 

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    I searched through all the settings I could find, but no dice. I don't think it's possible to view the feathers while editing the hair at the moment. 

  • polygondust replied

    Looks like it's not possible, which is too bad! Maybe in a future version of Blender.

  • polygondust replied

    Okay, thank you for checking! :)  That was my hunch.