What the heck is this thing and where can I find it in the scene file?

What the heck is this thing and where can I find it in the scene file?

I downloaded Robin Marin's Cycles Material Test Scene ( http://www.blenderdiplom.com/en/downloads/584-download-cycles-material-test-scene.html ) because it seemed like a good one to try out the new Principled Shader.  I noticed this in the reflection, and wanted to get a closer look, but I couldn't find it -- there's no background image and it shows up with render visibility on everything but the reflecting icosphere I put in turned off.

It's driving me nuttier than usual -- help?

  • kickair8p replied

    Never mind, it's an hdri (from http://zbyg.deviantart.com/art/HDRi-Pack-1-97402522 ).