Swordplay - Weekly Updates!

I started this type of topic on the old community and it helped me stay accountable for a while. So with the new site looking so fresh I decided to bring this back to help kick my butt into gear . This helps me continue staying focused on Swordplay during the nights and weekends! So I plan on posting every Monday at some point during the day!

For those unfamiliar, Swordplay is the current illustrated novel that I've been working on for far too long but I have the first book in mind and now I have a better plan on getting it released for summer of next year! 

I am looking to create a "Prologue" book featuring all the backstory illustrations and chapters of all 9 characters. I have 4 of them finished (so I should be about halfway, right? lol) Here are the first 4 illustrations in order: Red, Chase, Nate, Christina

And if you would like to read the backstories i have the finished ones accompanying the images on DA HERE

So enough blabbing on my end, I'm in a good place with my priorities and Swordplay continues to be worked on so expect weekly updates and feedback is always appreciated!

  • Tim Von Rueden(timvonrueden) replied

    UPDATE - August 7th 2017

    So as I mentioned I will be updating on Mondays at some point and I may as well stick to my word and start TAH-DAY. lol

    So I've been roughing out all the sketches for Red's backstory on my iPad Pro to then transfer and sketch them traditionally. I'm using her as my guides pig trying to figure out how to illustrate these pages within each backstory. So I know they're rough and you probably can't decipher what exactly is going on (but the panels do match up with the backstory that's on DA)

    I've also started Miko's illustration after not feeling the direction I went in with Grizzy's as you can see below. So I'll most likely be bouncing between a few of them as I finish the remaining 5 to be done!