2.79 principled bsdf questions

1.  hope CGC will start doing some demos on this one?

2.  It works like the various YouTubers demonstrate and I can see some advantages, BUT when I try to update some my builds that require the use of ALPHA, i.e. the double sided leaf texturing, etc, placing the P shader at the end does not work, no putting a Mixshader after the P shader and including the ALPHA work....s

So has anyone tried the various ways of getting this new shader to work other then the convenience of keeping the mapping input neat and clean

  • Chuck Shultz(fxswan) replied

    Got the Transp to work.....had to change transp node color to black.....see. below...

  • Chuck Shultz(fxswan) replied

    Playing with Principled Shader in 2.79 using the PBR shaders that come with Blender....just sharing a work around..... if you want to use it or other downloadable PBRs...

  • Chuck Shultz(fxswan) replied

    Anyone  see a good example of using the principle shader to replace the SSS Shader for good realistic skin tones? 

    Will post the pics, but if my research is right, the primary skin color differs with ethnic groups but the basic underlying skin color is basically the same....so do I need the other colors and if so, where do you put them in the Princ Shader?


  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Personally I wouldn't use the Principled shader for skin, it's just not going to get the same results as a dedicated custom skin group shader. My favorite so far is from Matt Heimlich on the Blender Market. 

  • Chuck Shultz(fxswan) replied

    Thanks Jonathan....i was hoping I was right...lol...make me feel like my senses are kicking in.... will head to blender market as I was looking at that.

    do you know or know someone who can answer my question on ethnic group mid and deep scatter color settings? 

    Also, I guess I am not getting it but what the primary and secondary color settings? I tend to use Pro-lighting for my environment unless doing inside work.

    Thanks Again

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    do you know or know someone who can answer my question on ethnic group mid and deep scatter color settings? 

    I believe you're right that the underlying scattering color remains the same, since the skin is different but the tissue/muscle/fat underneath is not. I'm not sure about the primary and secondary color settings specific to that shader since I haven't used that particular one before. My guess is that it's similar to how the Principled shader has a main roughness and then also an option for clear coat layered on top of that. 

  • Chuck Shultz(fxswan) replied

    Thanks Jonathan, I like your recomendation so I will be making it my prime method for skin...

    Have great week
