Creation of some Unreal track?

Hi . Cgcookie is a great tool for learning. Would you consider creating a learning track for UNREAL engine?


  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez) replied

    Unreal has been brought up a few times, although we haven't seen massive support for it. At the moment we have no plans to support Unreal. If enough people requested it, we would definitely look into it. 

  • silentheart00 replied
    Epic Games has free tutorials of their own if you didn't know:
  • William Miller(williamatics) replied

    What I'm wondering is, Why don't you teach the Blender Game Engine instead of Unity?

  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez) replied
    The Blender Game Engine is not really used much. I don't know of any popular games made with it, and even the Blender dev team doesn't devote much time to working on it. It's far behind most traditional game engines. Blender can do plenty of things, but in the game development department they are really lacking.
  • kyle taylor(t939) replied

    i vote for unreal also 

  • Catherine Irkalla(catherineirkalla) replied

    Personally I'd prefer more Unity content to having both Unity and Unreal. It is true that the beginner level Unreal market is a bit underserved compared to the Unity one though.

    I definitely don't think its worth it to make videos about Blender game engine at this point. If someone eventually comes along and makes that a more viable project perhaps, but not in its current state.

  • Morten Fjellheim(arev) replied
    Unreal course would be amasing:)
  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez) replied

    Anything in particular for the Unity side you'd like to see made? 

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    I've brought this up before and I agree that it'd be very cool to see. Outside of the Unreal Engine Youtube channel/website and a couple of other Youtubers (Reuben Ward comes to mind) there isn't a whole lot out there for beginner stuff, especially on the coding side of things which even if you know how to use C++ you need to learn UE4's quirks.

    However as cool as it would be to see courses for stuff like coding I'm not sure how well it'd mesh with the rest of the site seeing as CG Cookie primarily deals in the more artistic side of things whereas coding is a lot more technical. 

    At the end of the day UE4 stuff would - as an aspiring game dev myself - be amazing to see but even if it's not implemented there's still plenty of cool stuff here, and some of the Unity stuff is somewhat transferable to other engines too.

  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez) replied

    I'm curious to know why everyone is really interested in using Unreal? I'm going with the obvious that the engine looks great out of the box. Unity has always been more technically minded and focused on giving developers more control over the scripted side of things where as Unreal was more "artistic" from the get go.

    That being said, Unity is definitely catching up  and will possibly even surpass Unreal in the "wow" factor department really soon when Unity 2018 is officially released. Some great things about this release that will rival Unreal include:

    Scriptable render pipeline means that members can have complete control over how their game looks. Here is an example of this at work in their short Book of the Dead

    Shader Graph node system for creating shaders very quickly similar to how they would be made in Blender or even Unreal

    Another thing people like to point out is the blueprint system in Unreal which is their visual scripting system. Visual scripting is fairly easy to implement into Unity as well. I personally prefer just writing code as it gives me the most control. Unity also tends to be a lot more performant, their new C# jobs system will improve upon this further. One complaint I hear often from Unreal devs is the optimization of their games. Most VR games are made with Unity because of this. 

    Outside of a few key things that Unreal does really well from the visual stand point, I don't see it taking over the Unity side. If anything both are very similar in terms of the power it gives you, although it's been said that Unreal is more artist friendly while Unity is more coder friendly. 

  • Kaj Suominen(louhikarme) replied

    Was going to reply something similar. both engines are great, personally i don't even want to say which one i like better since you can do pretty much same things in both. I like the blueprinting alot more than staring code, to me its all visual. though i would say whichever engine you learn, you can transfer all that knowledge to the other one. 

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    As I say that a programming course is released, I stand corrected haha. I don't use C# personally (yet) but I'll definitely check that out, see what it's like.

  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez) replied
    I think it usually just comes down to preference, like all tools out there. Usually there are a few that really stand out and take the "market share" but they're usually very similar with a few quirks here and there. Same is true for 3d software and even programming languages. C++ shares a lot of similarities with C# and other Object Oriented languages so once you know the concepts it's easy to apply to other languages as well. I can see how blueprints could be quite useful, especially if you can easily modify them to your liking and save them for quick iteration. A lot of times I end up typing out a lot of repetitive and simple code but overall I still enjoy the writing process myself.
  • kyle taylor(t939) replied

    I guess i could give unity a try one day you convinced me to try it  

  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez) replied
    Hah, I know I'm quite defensive of Unity. What can I say I've been using it for 8+ years now. I have dabbled in Unreal and UDK and while I do like some of the tools they have, I love using Unity. If you're new to game dev, try both and see which you like best. I would say both are relatively beginner friendly, although Unity seems to do better with a wider range of platforms.
  • Simon Buz(svetimas) replied

    Well, when I was looking which engine to chose to play with the UE blueprints was the major reason to give a try. You can simply take stuff and make it work, at least for a simple things. And its very intuitive. And you can search/look for things. "Oh, I want to do some damage, do we have something for that? Oh, where is some kind of ApplyDamage node, lets try to use that!" And there are other people blueprints blue prints and you can use them and its pretty easy to modify them. Now I'm playing with turn based game using blueprints and if I had to start from 0 and to code this all thing I wouldnt know there to start :)

    Of course this is for me just a small hobby and fun on a spare time if you doing some serious stuff I guess you do real programing and those blueprints are no more a factor for choosing  the  engine.

  • silentheart00 replied

    Something about UE4 makes sense to me when I use it; it just feels more natural and I can feel the power hidden underneath.  Unity is very beginner-friendly, but has quirks that I don't like.  Maybe I just didn't give it enough time to figure out the quirks.  Unity is like a student model instrument and UE4 is like an intermediate model instrument, in my head, anyway.  Again, I probably didn't give Unity a fair chance, so this is entirely biased.

  • Catherine Irkalla(catherineirkalla) replied

    The first thing that comes to mind is "Unity shader graph&materials for people already familiar with cycles" that maybe talks about "you would do this this way in cycles, but this way in Unity" I'd also love something about the new Jobs system. I have a project where I will need to use both of these but have only had a very basic look at them so far.

    I'm also very interested in Cinemachine for game camera usage. Most tutorials are about using it for cutscenes and I found 1 tutorial in using for 2D game camera but so far nothing at all using it for 3d game camera.

  • ianmh replied

    Would also love to see some Unreal content.

  • jaran replied

    My vote would be for Godot.  It's MIT licensed and fits in better with blender.  It still has some rough edges, but they will be ironed out within a year.  By that time it will be hard to justify not using it.