Live Streams - Community Idea Center


Hey everyone!

Every Wednesday at 2PM CST CGCookie has a Twitch stream organized by our very own timvonrueden.
This is a Concept art - based stream where we can learn anything from shading to color-theories and plenty more.
The streams are both digital and traditional and talk about a very wide variety of topics. 

Now, they have a different topic every single week. And they do a  great job of coming up with creative new things to learn us. But let's  give them a hand, shall we ?

Suggest down below what topics you like to see in  the future. This can vary from subject matters that you would love to  see Tim draw/paint, to techniques you would like him to explain because  you haven't quit grasped them yet.
You can even suggest funny ideas for the stream, its up to you.

Just keep it PG, Tim will not likely be stripping.
If you want you can even suggest guests you would like Tim to interview/invite for a drawing session.
Make sure to like other people's ideas that you like, so we can see the most wanted ones.

To keep this thread a bit organized, lets set guidelines:

  1. Start your reply with naming your idea in a few words. And then  go into a bit of an explanation of what you mean exactly, so we don't  misinterpret what your original idea was.
  2. Like other idea's so we can choose the most voted up ones.
  3. Read through all the previous ideas to make sure you're not suggesting something twice. (Also check the youtube channel for all the topic that where already addressed) 
  4. Keep it realistic, as much a we would love to have Angelina Jolie as a guest, I'm afraid thats not quit do-able.
  5. Don't start huge conversations in the thread, only post idea's.  Just so we can keep a nice and clean list of ideas, we don't want any  diamonds getting lost in a sea of blabber.
  6. Make sure your idea is SFW.

I think that's about it. If you want to see previous streams, you can check those out on the CGCookie Youtube channel:

Concept Cookie's mission is to provide concept artists with  tutorials, resources, references, feedback, and insight to help them  grow as an artist. Each week...


Have fun, I can't w8 to see the idea's you guys come up with!


Tijl :slight_smile:

  • C. Alan Green(paintwithgreen) replied

    Hey Tim!

    I suggested this on the old forum, so if you're still referencing that, you could probably ignore this suggestion. However, I really enjoyed the gold, leather, and clothing material tutorials. My suggestion would be earthy materials like: rocks, gems/crystals, wood, and whatever else. Thanks!

    Btw, new site looks great!

    C. Alan Green

  • yesitstijl replied

    Hey CC.AlanGreen 

    Great suggestions :)

    But just letting you know that Tim actually already talked about all of those things before. I'll link them below for you if you wanna check them out :








    Wood :

    Hope this helps :)



  • C. Alan Green(paintwithgreen) replied


    Right, on! Thanks!

  • Mike Joyner(coconutmonkey) replied

    One of my favorite sets of videos on youtube is by K Michael Russel. He’s a colorist for comic books and teaches a class on the subject. One of his playlists is titled, “How not to color comics,” and it goes through a lot of common mistakes that beginners do. His videos are short and he tends to concentrate on one subject at a time, but with a few different pages. He usually has examples of before (when the coloring is bad) and after (big beautiful comic pages).

    Here’s one of his videos.

    I would love to see this with blender. Whether it’s composition or materials or lighting or modeling or anything. Seeing “before and after” examples really helps me learn, not just, what I should do, but WHY I should do it a certain way.

    I can see a model and think, “That’s not too bad. Why is that in the before category?”

    But as the instructor goes through the mistakes and why they’re mistakes, I tend to have an easier time learning fundamental ideas and why they’re important.

    Anyway, that's my two cents…



  • Irena White(increasy) replied

    Hey there~
    I've finally managed to be present at the live-streams more often as palladisi (being a tiny bit obnoxious maybe :'D) and wondered if you could talk about artist-health issues.

    Since Tim also has roommates maybe there are even more diverse perspectives on this. I've heard many artists talk about the risks of sitting too long and switching to standing tables for their work.

    I personally struggle with genetic shoulder issues, which usually occur around age 60 (had it with 25 :'D). Other people have problems with their wrists/fingers.
    It'd be just cool to see if and what precautions you guys take :)

    Cheers, Irena~

  • levisrocha replied

    Different shading techniques with the pencil (close up to drawing).

    for example how to shade or not in a face(because i see in some of your drawings that you leave blank some areas and with great effect in others, but how make this decision.

    also how to shade  stuff like (steel, stone, scales,..)

  • Cory Mitan(cmiart) replied

    Examples and methods of mixing digital and traditional media for one final product. More than just scanning a sketch and painting on top hopefully, but honestly anything on the spectrum from 100% traditional to 100% digital could be interesting and fun to see.

  • Yuushin7 Dramicanin(yuushin7) replied

    Oh boy, I think there was a stream where Tim showed how to paint over traditional drawing going beyond just basic scan, put on multiply and paint under, but I can't find video of it anywhere xP