Because you are using the vertex colour in the shader editor you could also use the pointiness node with a RGB curve node (or similar nodes) to get the cavities and edges. And while applying it you should see whether your mesh is good enough to get good seamless results. If you are using vertex colours you always have a two-step workflow. Working on the mesh, apllying dirty vertex colours and see the result and in case of bad results doing it again ....
But perhaps I am completely wrong and have overseen anything...
No, pointiness with Eevee doesn't work. But I saw the baking was also done with cycles.
The advantage would be to have more control over the texture map creation if you are using cycles instead of dirty vertices method.
Anyway, I've learned another method of creating cavity and edge maps, besides pointiness, AO and .
Mind that the bevel node is also a Cycles only node, just like pointiness. The AO node does work though :) don’t forget to turn on ambient occlusion in the render settings, otherwise you won’t see itÂ