Selecting an object stopped highlighting it in orange

As I was creating the rocks, first of all the rock wasn't taking the displacement modifier. It just wasn't modifying for some reason.  Then as I was trying to figure that out, I realized anytime I would select any object, it wouldn't become highlighted in the view port, but it was still highlighted in the heirchy.  Any ideas what the issue could be? Edit: I would like to add that, the object is still being selected. That is, I am still able to move and scale whatever object I click on, but the view port doesn't highlight it as selected. I am on Blender 2.80 

Edit 2: I just realized the grid is gone too...

  • egomz replied

    I found it! Somehow I managed to click on the button "show overlays" towards the top of the 3d view port. After hours or searching, I figured it out! 

  • Grant Wilk(grantwilk) replied

    Glad to hear you found the solution to your issue!