In blender 2.8 you go into edit mode by hitting tab and then you can right click on the object to most of the tools discussed here.
You can also hit 1 ,2 or 3 (on keyboard below your F1 keys) to switch between edge, vertex and face selection
Thanks for the update bbluemagic ! A 2.8 update to this course will be on the way.
I'm in 4.0 but W doesn't work. Is there another hot key? Also, space+enter doesn't bring up a menu to search anything, it just starts the sequencer.
Hey Alton AAltonm3 ,
You could (best option!) use 2.79 to follow along with this Course.
You can also switch the Keymap in 4.0 to Blender 27x:
Then there is the Fundamentals:
Made with 2.8 and a 4.2 version of the Fundamentals coming very soon (today...)