Ex-Military Wes?

I see you are ex-military Wes.  Might I ask what Branch, where/when you served?  Served in the Army myself.  Always interested to talk to former military, about why they chose this career path.

  • Keith (keithc) replied

    Nice!  I remember almost applying to Savannah Art College, after high school.  Never panned out.  I've always had an interest in art, but never really focused on anything in particular (drew a LOT of dragons, back in the day).  I remember doing some bare-bones animations back in the 486DX days of computing; but never followed through with that either.  Went in the Army in '95; got out of Active Duty in 2002, joined the Guard straight out after that and ended up doing 1 tour in Iraq in '03.  Got out after that for a few years, then went back in for 3 more.  Left military service totally in '10.  Lots of fond memories (even the frustrating moments) from my time in.  It really helped shape me into my adult life.

    I currently work as a Corrections Officer at a State Prison (going on 12 years now); but the result of working there for so long, has spurned me into getting very serious about making a last effort to become an Indie Game Dev/Game Artist.  Both creating an asset library to sell my wares, and possibly freelancing in the future.  So any "shortcuts" I can take, such as learning here...rather than scouring YouTube, is what I'm after.  I'm giving myself the next 2 years to pay off debt, and to see if I can make a viable home-based business.  After 24 years of government service in hostile and soul-sucking environments, I've had enough.  Time to return to a more quiet and enjoyable existence.

    I get off of work around 2PM; but I'll try to make it to the talk by 2:45, if it's still on.  Good talking!


  • Keith (keithc) replied

    Sounds good then.  The biggest hurdle (other than finding time with work/family life), is getting focused on what I need to be productive in the short term (to start making for-sale assets).  I have to stop drifting off on things; whether it's Unity's Terrain, or Blender's non-game tool-sets.  I don't need to learn everything; before becoming productive.  I'm constantly checking myself on that.