i can't seem to get the scale to work -

was all working fine until I duplicated the ground - went to scale it down and it just moves it - the only way I can scale things now is in the transform column - have I disconnected something maybe - scale still works if I pull up new blank general.

enjoying what I have done so far - many thanks 


  • Grant Wilk(grantwilk) replied

    Hey Paula,

    There's a few things you could try here.

    1. Make sure your objects origin is centered within it. To do this, select the object you're having trouble with, open the Object menu in the 3D viewport, select Set Origin > Center of Mass (Surface). Then try scaling it again.
    2. If that doesn't work, we should make sure you're modifying your geometry about its origin and not some other point. To do this, select the pivot point drop-down from the top center of the 3D viewport and confirm that it is set to "Median Point". If it's not, set it to "Median Point" and try scaling it again.

    Let me know if these solutions help! :)