bridge edge loops?

hi loving this course soo far thanks allot!, but will bridge edge loop on that hinge at 4:00 - 6:00 make it easier?

how does the shear tool work? 

and where do doubles come from?  :))

thanks allot learning a bunch from you !!  :)

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Give it a try! I re-watched that section and can't think of where a bridge would be helpful, but I could be missing something. 

    Shear is awesome! It creates an angle while keeping the vertices in their horizontal axis. Here's another example of it at work:

    Doubles, overlapping vertices, can be caused by quite a lot of things! Most often cause for beginners is extruding or duplicating something and then hitting Esc, which cancels the movement but not the added geometry. More on that in the Mesh Modeling Bootcamp: