Beginner exercise?

posted to: Modeling a Wheel

Just a bit of OCD but I assume or hope that setting this exercise as beginner was an error? Because no beginner would be able to do something like this..

  • Dariusz Scharsig(dariusz) replied

    Ah, you're to harsh :). I'm a beginner and I will go now and kill this excersize :P

  • agc1919 replied

    Maybe using the modifier itself is beginner but if you try to make a fancy wheel design it gets harder

  • Eirik Guttulsrud(hazemonkey) replied

    I think by struggling through it you learn a lot even though the result isn't quite as good or complex as the one presented. I thought the same as you, that there must be some lessons missing, but I'll go ahead and see what I can manage :P Failing is the best way of learning, though not so pleasant as succeeding ;) 

  • emmiebrizzie replied

  • rubberbin replied

    I recommend doing the 3d modeling bootcamp course first. After that give it another shot. Get some references and try some things out! Don't give up, you'll get there eventually! :)

  • highchaos replied

    I'm a total beginner and here is what I came up with.