Hiding the modifier

Hi, when going into edit mode with a mirror modifier on the object I noticed that the modifier does not show. When I go into edit mode the mirror is still there. Is there something I should check? (I am using 2.8)

thank you

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Hey there, one thing to double check is the eye icon (or chain if you're using a recent 2.8 build with mixed up icons) at the top of the modifier. Also try updating your build as the older 2.8 ones didn't support modifiers in edit mode. 

  • imparare replied

    Thank you. I can turn off the modifier with the link and I have been doing that. However, in the videos you move between object and edit mode and the modifier does not show. I wondered if there is a key press or a setting that means in edit mode it is hidden and in object mode it shows. 

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Ah yeah, that was just a limitation of Blender 2.8 at the time I recorded! 

  • imparare replied

    thank you. I will just turn on/off via the link icon in the hierarchy