How to make realistic folds in blanket and curtains?

Hey...I'm having a hard time getting the cloth to look right. I got an okay blanket but it looks boring and non-realistic. When I tried to make a curtain following this tutorial (Modeling with cloth simulation in blender), it glitches and doesn't wrinkle at all. It acts all stiff at the bottom where it's not supposed to. If it doesn't do that, it glitches when I scale the vertices (like instructed) and looks terrible.

Modeling with Cloth Simulation in Blender

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Hi Anne, it looks like you're doing everything right judging by the screenshot. I think what's going on here is that Blender's cloth sim isn't liking the fact that all of the pinned vertices are perfectly aligned along the X axis, and are being scaled in that direction as well. You could try offsetting the vertices in the shape key along the Y axis, which should help some. However, I'd recommend giving Blender 2.8 a try as the cloth sim got a fairly significant upgrade that helps it to wrinkle much more naturally and gets rid of those failed edge cases. Here's what I got in that version while following your same steps:

  • Anne Webb(annewebb) replied

    Thanks! I'll try that!