Rig going up in play mode

Hi Jonathan ! Another big silly question. Whenever i add animator controller made by myself or prefabbed from download files rig is going up in play mode. Run out of ideas, do you know the reason standing by this ?



  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez) replied
    Is it just floating up consistently? I've never seen that. Did you modify anything in the project files? If not I can take a look at them and see if it happens on my end.
  • wysepka replied
    Ok got a clue, is there a way to ignore animation start height ? https://i.gyazo.com/401cf2ab01a48b7e63fe6021e614ee09.png As you see here animation is played from the preview height
  • wysepka replied

    Screwed something. Loaded back prefabs from files and everything works now. Question can be removed

  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez) replied

    You can, the rig was originally part of a human character that's why it's up in the air that way. It would probably be easier to reposition the rig in the scene but either option will work. Let me know if that fixes the issue.