When I first rigged the front legs, they would twist unnaturally making it hard to control. After watching the video, I had some improvements. The back legs work almost perfectly while the front legs are better but still not good. The real problem came when I tried to rig the head ik as you do in the video. The head ik becomes uncontrollable and too fast to position it. HELP!
Sure! Here you go! https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Ck3-Jv71CF2fOjuALDJzcN0j2JNmLrvE
aannewebb Thanks for the file! Run through the head section of the video one more time. I see two things different in your file that will be much easier to watch than me trying to type it 😅. I will say it's the parenting for the Head.ik.target and Head that's messed up.
Thanks! I think I got it! At least the head problem. Thanks for the response!