If I create a pose library in the blend file for my character, will it link in to scenes I have my character linked in?
Yes,. Pose libraries are stored as 'actions'. What Blender does is save the pose on sequential frames of that 'pose library action'.
First pose = frame 1. 2nd pose = frame 2 etc.
New poses get added to the end and this can be linked/appended to a different file.
You can even use those poses on a different character but just as long as the bones have the same names, anything that Blender can't match up is ignored.Hope that helps. Have fun.
@waylow do you go over how to link this? I am used to linking groups into a new scene, however I have never linked an action from one file to a scene. For example, I make an (asset) model and link it to my scene via the group folder in the assets blend file for animation. How would I link the actions or the 'pose library actions' to my scene and apply it to the rig/linked character? I feel like I am just missing something. Is the actions folder a created file that is only created when you store actions? If you go over this in the videos sorry for making you repeat yourself.
I don't specifically go over this in the videos but it is exactly the same process but instead of linking or appending the 'group' data.
But just link or append the Action > PoseLib (that is the default name)
I don't use Pose Libraries at all but other animators do. Hope they help you out.