Principled BSDF

I'm using Blender 2.79 and I can't see that

  • tanya (tanya53) replied

    I am using 2.79 and it is in the shaders, it also shows up in the search.

  • Grant Wilk(grantwilk) replied

    As long as you're in Blender 2.79, you should be able to add a Principled shader from the add shader menu.

  • wiafe replied

    Thanks for your responses guys! The issue was being in Blender Render instead of Cycles Render. Once again thank you!

  • wiafe replied

    Thank you response! The issue was being in Blender Render instead of Cycles Render. Once again thank you!

  • wiafe replied

    Thank you response! The issue was being in Blender Render instead of Cycles Render. Once again thank you!