To add the Human rig, you will need to enable the Rigify Addon in Blender's user preferences.

  • Hadas Noam(zinnfandel) replied

    Thanks man! Was looking for that.

    But from some reason the rig I add is transparent, so I can't see it when I'm editing the house. Any idea why?

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    I don't think it can be completely transparent, so try turning on x-ray in the display section of the rig's properties to make sure it's not behind anything else (like image planes) 

  • Adam Janz(copperplate) replied

    Hi zzinnfandel , sorry for the late reply. @jlampel gave a great answer, and the only other thing I can think of is you might have "Only Render" turned on in the "Display" section of your properties panel. Hit "n" to open properties and make sure "Only Render" is unchecked. The other possibility is the light gray color of the armature may be blending in too much with the default light gray color of your building without material applied. You can try switching on Matcap (also in the "n" panel) to choose a different lighting scheme that might help.
