Problem about using displace modifier cage

I got this problem when I baking the frame part.

as you can see the triangle details part's surface have some speckle problem and if I stop use the cage...


those speckle part disappeared but the other parts of the frame fail to bake. So how can I avoid those speckle problem?

  • Benson Chiang(bensonwin) replied

    Oh,I figured it out! I think I selected anything including the cage object so it happened. But now I got another baking problem.

    In the UV map, there is some UV doesn't have anything inside, usually you can see there is a sharp of that UV island shown inside and the padding surrounding it but here some of my UV island just have the padding but nothing in it.

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Excellent, glad you got the first part figured out! 

    For the second one, that will happen if the low poly mesh is inside the high poly mesh instead of the other way around. A good way to fix this would be to use the cage object (I see it's not assigned in the screenshot). 

    Baking normals can definitely be confusing at first, so keep it up! Soon it'll be second nature. 

  • Benson Chiang(bensonwin) replied

    Thank you for the repely! I really glad that someone can always answers my question. I know baking normal map is very hard because even some tiny mistakes can make some big problem. I used a displacement cage to bake them but the problem is still not solve, then I try to push back that face in the high poly model so that it is inside of the low poly one but still nothing change. However, the thing is I found out that this problem doesn't cause a serious issue, when I know at the model in normal map material it actually not bad! So should I still spend time to fix it so leave it alone? Once again thank you for helping me!

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Hmm, if it looks great then I wouldn't worry about it too much, but if it keeps happening then it's definitely worth taking the time to investigate so that you'll have a deeper understanding of what's going on.