It fails to do what you say (2.79 Blender version) and remains will not buckle up/rinkle up..
Any suggestions on how to achieve that effect with new Blender version... I have tried different pinning but to no avail...
Solidify modifier seems to correct the situation.. ie create the ruffles just before the 2nd key frame
Yes! Hooo boy, I just figured this out myself!
What I did was add a Simple Deform modifier and place it as the first thing on the stack (So /visually above/ the cloth sim's modifier that's added when you enable the physics!), and at the first frame, keyframed the rotation at 0 degrees, at frame 30, keyframed the rotation at 45, and at 60, keyframed to 0 again. All good! Looks basically identical to the tutorial!
Nice! Adding the Solidify Modifier before the Cloth modifier worked like a charm for me too! I wonder why we had to add that. Good find!
(I'm also on Blender 2.79)
We discussed this in the previous question thread, but in short, I've no idea why it behaves differently in 2.79. Sorry for the confusion!
thanks man! solidify doesn't work for me, but your way was good, thanks again!!