Hi, I'm trying to use this technique in the newest Blender version 2.79 on my Windows PC, but I am having trouble with the View Plane option. The custom "Carve" brush flattens the surface, but not directly facing the camera like in the tutorial. It's somehow off by a weird angle. It's kinda like a mixture of the View Plane and the Area Plane. I am not quite sure whether it is a bug (likely not) or if I did miss any important settings. I rewatched the tutorial a couple of times and I made sure all the tweaks are the same, but I can't seem to make it work. Are there maybe some changes of the default values between 2.7 and 2.79? What else could be important, that I might have overlooked? Do I need a certain amount of vertices first, or should dynamic topology take care of that?
Weird, I've never seen that issue before. Can you post video or .GIF demonstrating the issue (possible bug)?
I don't believe any changes from 2.7 to 2.79 are to blame. I just used this same feature in 2.79 yesterday. And dyntopo should take care of your vertex count, so that should be a non-issue.
I just watched your tutorial on how to sculpt a sci-fi helmet, and there you explain your OpenGL lighting setup. I changed it to a single front-facing light like you did and this helped to line up the view correctly. Now it also works for me! Thanks for your help anyways. :)