Most Progressive Course Yet!!

Hey Kent-ster! Bro, my retopo skills were very mediocre at best before this course. I must say, at this point (starting the booleans) it has incredibly improved to the point I'm flowing like clockwork even those awkward shapes (or "wonky" as you would say, haha!). I would go so far as to say publicly, "If you want a course that will sharpen your retopo skills like none other, this one is up there at the very top my man. Thanks a billion for making this dude. 

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Holy smokes, this is the best feedback I can remember receiving from one of my courses. Thanks pointoflife14! "...flowing like clockwork", that's a good feeling, right? I quite enjoy retopo when I can put on headphones, get into the zone, then let the retopo 'machine' takes over.

    I'm thrilled to hear about your progression. Can't wait to see your final bot model!

  • David Frazier(pointoflife14) replied

    It is a GREAT feeling. But then I hit a major brick wall once I started the booleans. For some reason, nothing is working. I opened a separate question for this one though so you should see it soon. I've done everything, even checked for non-manifold geo, but all is well with my mesh topology. I've checked the normals, flipped them and tried it with every config possible,  I'm stuck until I find the right solution and so far everything has failed. I've watched every tut available on boolean problems and how to fix them, and so far zippo. The best I get results with a terrible pinching around the perimeter as in the attached pic. Please help when you can my man, thanks again.