Tail - how to scale segments

How exactly do you scale the tail segments? I can't get it done in 2.78. Btw. I like the tutorial, but the use of shortcuts and speed of presentation make it very difficult to follow.

  • Peter Lagoda(pedro_l26) replied


  • Paul Kepp(shamanik) replied

    I checked the documentation and use control + a in edit mode and you can scale the skin modifier.

  • Paul Kepp(shamanik) replied
    This video could be so much better but none of the underlying concepts are really elaborated on. It's just some neat tricks with no background to help you understand what's interacting with what. The content is good but a video is good when it teaches you something, not leaving you to go and investigate how it's working on your own.

    I can get the lines on my sphere but they're very tiny and I've no idea how to increase their width to what they're shown in the video.