in texture mode, my suzanne become totally white... Help ?

I've got a problem when i switch to texture mode to see the checker texture into Suzanne.... She becomes totally white, and i don't kno why.

I've noticed any mesh that i have become white when i switch into texture mode, even if i do nothing into them.
For example: I go into blender, i've got my cube, i suppress the lamp, i switch into texture and...POOF, it becomes white. Same thing happened on suzanne.

The problem is: Even if i follow the steps of the course... Nothing changed at all ! My mesh is still white when i switch into texture...

If someone know what can causes this problem... ^^

Ps: i use the elsyiun theme.... i don't know if the problem can go from here... I've tried to switch into another theme into the user preferences but... Still white... :o

  • galledark (galledark) replied

    Ok after many tests i've found a solution:

    This problem seems happend only when you mark seams before the creation of the checker texture !
    In my case i've solve it like this:

    You can unwrap your mesh, (without any seam) and then create the checker texture

    Or you can create the checker texture first and unwrap your mesh (without any seam).

    But do NOT mark seam an edge without the texture... I don't know why but this is what cause the problem of the white mesh for my case !

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Thanks for following up with your discovery galledark!

  • Michael Wanyoike(brandiqa) replied

    I was facing the same problem in Blender render (am using 2.78), then I realized I needed to remove the texture, select all the faces then select the Texture again for it to show up on Suzanne.

  • graudhir replied

    Thank you soooo much!!

  • Calvin (calvinbebop) replied

    Thank you Yannis! Bookmarking this for sure 

  • sargentpilcher replied

    I'm probably 2 years too late, but I'm having the same problem, but even when I have no seams whatsoever I have the problem. Blender 2.79 any ideas? 

  • sargentpilcher replied

    I figured out the problem. In the top left tab "Slots" there is a checkmark box saying "mask" which must be enabled, and a drop down menu appears allowing me to select the same texture as the UV view. 

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Like I said in your other post, this is incorrect! This is how it should be:

  • Jonathan Nunez(daemetius) replied

    this literally helped me, thank you!

  • Mark Smith(me1958424) replied

    that's a good example of why posting a found solution is important...