Large fields. Composite or straight render?

I have a scene that I'm working on and the size of the plane is 272'x272' (imperial) and currently has no sculpting on it. Since it's a pretty large scene I'm wondering if I should separate the various sections or try to render it out as a whole using this process or would another option be better for such a large scene?

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Hey Peter, that's a huge scene! Try using this technique, which limits the scene to only what the camera sees:

    If that doesn't do it, post what it looks like in the Community and we can help you out. 

  • Peter Robie(probie71) replied

    Thanks Jonathan. The idea that I working on is basically an adaptation of Danvers State Hospital in Danvers, Mass. The estimated height to the top most peak is 130'. The scene opens with a wide shot of the main building and additional buildings on the side. Being such a large building the camera has to be quite a ways away to be able to capture it. Of course there is a lot of grass so that's been my biggest challenge.