Playback speed, not a question as much as a comment.

I really enjoy this tutorial series but I found myself playing back the main portion 1.5x-2x whereas in some of the time lapse areas .5x was too fast for me and I found myself having to pause/rewind to follow what specifically was being done. Also, seeing the popups (f6) took fiddling even at .5x since they would come/go so fast. It would have helped (me at least) if there was a bit of a pause when popups came up, especially when doing time lapse. The thing is, I enjoy watching someone's workflow, especially if they have some interesting techniques that I haven't adopted into my own but it takes time to mull over what the other person is doing and why while watching so being able to slow down helps in this case. As I said, very interesting tutorial. I'm learning a lot. :)

  • Bhavesh Patel(ryzen7) replied

    Hi Jonathan, I have also felt that 0.5x speed is also very fast for other videos also. The tutorials are very good, but sometimes it takes much more time to figure out what was done at that specific moment. Instead of pausing on popups, is it possible to add just 0.25x speed ?

  • art0fmel replied

    One workaround this is to have the video playback on x0.5 speed. Then use the right arrow to move the video along rather than using the play button. That way you can see the menu popups at a speed that's manageable. Hope that helps anyone who is struggling.