Vallejo paint mix

I use a couple of the Model Air paints myself but have run into clogging from time to time.

What is your preferred dilution ratio for them?

  • Lisa Schindler(thesculptress) replied

    It all depends on what PSI you're using the mix with. I would say use the chart to test the dilution for the PSI you're working with. If you still encounter clogging then either try to strain the paint even more times before using it in the airbrush.

    On occasion it can also happen that the paint simply dries too quickly. You can try by mixing a small amount of paint retarder into the paint and replace that with some of the reducer or water you usually use. That way the paint takes longer to dry and tip dry, which can cause clogging in front of the nozzle, is not that big of a deal. And while we're talking about tip dry - also consider using needle lubricant to help prevent tip dry in the first place (in case you haven't seen the video on tip dry yet I recommend that).

    There are more tips for various clogging problems in the troubleshooting section for this course. But if you find that no matter what you do the paint keeps clogging up the airbrush, you might want to look into different paint. I haven't used Model Air to a great extent, but it could be that the pigment size of airbrush paint varies greatly between paint manufacturers.

    I hope that helps! :)