grease cut not working

I installed your modified plugin.  One of your options is not showing at all.. the smooth checkbox.
If I follow your tutorial.. I have a uv sphere in object mode selected, and in side view, draw a curved grease pencil line for bottom scallop, with "subtract" checked.. then i click the grease cut button - nothing happens except i get the warning at the top bar saying i have to draw a line with the grease pencil first.
Some how it is ignoring my grease pencil line in addition to not having your "smooth" checkbox for the plugin.
NOT working for me - i have uninstalled plugin and reinstalled it also.
What do you think is happening. (i am running 2.78c windows version)



  • Ric Lee(tristram2k) replied

    To further detail the info here... i have the grease pencil in object mode. I don't get the warning at the top anymore BUT the cut is not deleting the bottom part of the sphere (even if i close the grease pencil line around it. it seems to make the cut but leave everything together as one object and no deleting.

  • Michael Wanyoike(brandiqa) replied

    If you draw the grease line closer to the center of the sphere it works. It doesn't work if the grease line is drawn near sphere's edge.

  • Ty McFarland-Smith(iive) replied

    Same issue I had. But it turns out you can't have another model in the way ;-;

  • Ty McFarland-Smith(iive) replied

    I take it back. It's a problem with the stupid perspective