PC is crushing after pressing the render button :-(

posted to: Shading a Toy Truck

I tried many times to render the scene, but everytime my PC crushed before even one tile was rendered.

Don't ask me why, but I changed the settings from gpu to cpu and everything is ok. Can somebody tell me, what this is about?

Thanks :)

P.S.: I have a Radeon HD 7870. I never had any problems before with that card.

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Hmm, it could be a lingering AMD issue since until somewhat recently only Nvidia cards were supported. 

  • Daniel Devner(renderfiend) replied

    Your graphics card might have run out of memory, but your card has 2GB of memory. The scene shouldn't have been enough to go over memory. It was propably an AMD compatibility issue as the last post said.

  • slintyflinty replied

    Could you share your PC configuration. In the majority of the cases, it is due to GPU and RAM. It could also be due to too much heat generated in your atx case. Make sure there is proper heat dissipation and the temperature is maintained within the cabinet.