You say that F6 key brings up the Operator Panel but this doesn't work in 2.78.5. What is the equivalent key in the latest version of Blender? Thanks

  • stephensamuels replied

    Thanks Jonathan.  I'm actually on a PC but the Fn thing is the same.

    All working fine.



  • Magdalena Sroka(cha12mas) replied

    i got windows Dell laptop and its also Fn + F6,  F6 alone  gives a message " no more keyframes to jump in this direction" .

    best Mag

  • kopolov replied

    I encounter a similar problem on my laptop.
    It turns out that since my FnLk key  (Function Lock)  was set (green light showing in order to lock the F# keys so I don't have to use the Fn+F#), then my F6 didn't work.
    I turned off the FnLk and now my F6 is working properly and I can use the operator menu.
    Hope it helps

  • david073 replied

    Beginner question: is the operator panel the same as the last operator panel? F6 for me keeps bringing up a popup menu with one item: delete, not an operator panel. The trouble with all these panes, regions, or panels is that hovering over them does not reveal their title, so a beginner can't tell what is what.