This seems to be a running theme, but the course files don't seem to match the course at hand. The frames in the video do...

posted to: Squash & Stretch I
This seems to be a running theme, but the course files don't seem to match the course at hand. The frames in the video do not match the frames in the file. There aren't any markers, so referring go to a marker becomes pointless. Difficult tut to follow because your mind is always having to work out the difference between what is being said and shown in the video. This makes it difficult to focus on what your suppose to be learning. Perhaps, the file can be updated for future students?
  • Chris McFall(unitedfilmdom) replied
    Sorry, i will try to get this fixed.
  • recyclops (recyclops) replied

    As of April 2018, this is still not fixed. Just FYI.

  • Wilco Wilbrink(carrotnl) replied

    +1 here.

  • Carolyn Perez Hemphill(rostzwiebel) replied

    You could see it as a chance to learn without a step by step tutorial ;)

  • true-spirit replied

    Still not corrected November 16th 2018. Please get this sorted out as these early videos are helpful for integrating the workflow i.e. where things are in the interface, hotkeys, ect before we progress to more complex stuff.