It took me awhile to get in sync with this lesson. Perhaps some clarification will help. All modifications are done usin...

posted to: Squash & Stretch I
It took me awhile to get in sync with this lesson. Perhaps some clarification will help. All modifications are done using the rig in pose mode and not the ball itself. What you are working with are the bones that make up the rig. Pose mode is indicated by blue and can also be viewed by looking in the mode select box. Right click one on one of the 4 points of the ball. It should now be blue. In the properties panel, click the bone. Below it will say “Location”. This is the bone that controls the location of the ball and is reflected in the graph editor. There is also a “squash_upper”, “squash_lower”, and “Rotation” bone that all works the same way. Try right clicking on them. The markers in the blend file don’t match or is not there with what is in the lesson. But, if for example you what to find where the ball meets the ground, set it using the location bone. Then use the squash_upper bone to flatten the ball. Remember to set the key frame of the flattened ball in the squash_upper and not the Location bone. I used 10 instead of 15. Chris, please double check the blend file and make it match as this lesson is confusing enough. I got through it, hopefully this helps someone else.
  • Chris McFall(unitedfilmdom) replied
    Good of you to clarify for the other users, My Thanks, and apologies that It wasn't clear enough first time around, I will endeavour to do better in future Tuts.