The blend file supplied for the course does not have markers and the frames are different to those in the video. I.e. the ...

posted to: Squash & Stretch I
The blend file supplied for the course does not have markers and the frames are different to those in the video. I.e. the first point of contact is at frame 30 something in the video but is at frame 18 in the blend file. Consequentially there is not as many frames available for the animation. Do you think a corrected blend file could be added for other people doing the course later?
  • Chris McFall(unitedfilmdom) replied
    Hi I just went over the Tut and blend file, What seems to have happened is that Ive intercut two takes using slightly different files You'll notice the markers actually disappear after the sample animations about 40 seconds in then reappear (I can't believe i didn't catch this.) I'm So sorry if this caused any confusion. Either way the blend file provided is the right one to work with. If you really feel the markers would benefit you then by all means add them in using the M key. And extend the preview range using the P key on the timeline,( this will allow you more frames to animate.) Again my profuse apologies to you, and bonus points to you for having hawkeyes.
  • Lee Colarelli(creationsphere) replied
    Its ok, i learnt :)